Sunday, July 21, 2019

July 21

”Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God.”
(Hebrews 6:7 NIV)

During the summer months we sometimes have to water our garden more often especially if it has been dry for long periods. Now the rains have finally come and we’ve been given a respite. It’s rained for several days. Even so I noticed that some of the bushes were far too dry. When I investigated closer I discovered that the earth surrounding the bushes was parched dry. Even though we had had substantial rain the earth had not been able to absorb the water. There had been too little rain for too long and the ground had dried and become all too hard. When the rain came it didn’t have the ability to receive.
Jesus uses the analogy of different ground surfaces as a picture of how different people receive the Word. One of the surfaces he describes was where the top soil was thin. In that area the growth withered quickly.
Sometimes we can close out God’s blessings during long periods of times in our lives. We don’t read much of the Bible perhaps, and we eventually cease our praying and fellowship with other Christians. Then we run the risk that our absorption layer becomes so dry that it can’t soak in the abundant rain of blessings coming over us. It’s important that we take care of the small blessings the Lord steadily showers on us, in order that our hearts are prepared to receive the blessings and to share fruit.

Lord, help me to soak up – take care of – the blessings that You give today and not simply let the good that You do spill off to no one’s benefit. Keep my heart from becoming so hard that it no longer is capable of receiving Your gifts.

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