Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 15

"The Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them - the LORD, who remains faithful forever." (Psalm 146:6 NIV)

The little word remains makes this one of the key verses in the Bible because it stresses the power of God's faithfulness. God Himself - God the creator – remains faithful! He is not in a foul mood one day and ceases to sustain the world He created. He does not change just because His creation does not function, as He wants.
If we know with certainty that He has promised something, we also know that it will happen. And what we know with certainty that He has promised, they are the promises He made in his Word, the Bible, where we have it in writing.
Therefore, for example, we never need to doubt our salvation, or that every Christian may be filled with the Spirit of God. In the Bible God promises that anyone who calls on the Lord's name shall be saved (Acts 2:21) and that He will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (Luke 11:13). That God has assured us in writing.

Thank You for the gift of salvation and for Your Holy Spirit that lives in me and wants to lead me today.

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