Saturday, August 10, 2019

August 10

”And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.” (Daniel 6:23 b NIV)

The foremost Biblical characters are typically presented as ordinary people, who commit various sins, but yet, they can be examples in God’s Kingdom in that they have received forgiveness and restoration.
Daniel though is unique. He is, with the exception of Jesus, the only one of whom nothing negative is told. He is portrayed as a sinless person and God was able to achieve great things in and through his life.
Today’s Bible verse describes the climax following the dramatic scene when Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den because he obeyed God more than people. He had continued to openly pray to his God, even though the King’s dictate stated that prayers could only be said to King Dareios for a thirty day period. But God looked after His servant, no wound was found on him. Even though he, as a human, was certain to meet death when he was thrown to the lions, he suffered no injuries. It’s worth trusting God.

Jesus, thank You that You, in the same way that You protected Daniel, can protect all of those who place their trust in You yet today.

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