Monday, September 30, 2019

September 30

”Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen. You led your people like a flock…” (Psalm 77:20-21 NIV)

In the English Living Bible today’s verses are translated as; “Your road led as a, pathway through the mighty waters—a pathway no one knew was there!”  And that’s how it is. God’s path often leads us out into the unknown. Oft times He leads us on paths we couldn’t in our wildest fantasy imagine. No one even knew that there was the possibility that life could take such turns. But God was there and led us and watched over us.
Some people never dare to ”cast loose”. They will always want to have at least one rope tied to land – for safety’s sake. They swim with ´one foot on the sea bottom´. But that way they will never experience God’s super-natural leading in their lives.
The disciples on the other hand were gripped by Jesus’ words ‘Follow Me’. They dared accept His words seriously and they left all in His hands. Then they saw and experienced that God had prepared paths for them, that no one knew even existed.

Lord, help me to dare cast loose from the life where I alone have all under control. Help me to also dare follow You into the unknown. Thank You for guiding Your people like a flock.

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