Wednesday, October 2, 2019

October 2

”But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”
(Luke 2:15 NIV)

It’s told that Herbert Hoover, who was President in the USA in the early 1900’s, was asked once what the secret to the advances in his life was. He’s purported to have replied: ’With God’s help I never give up’.
The men and women who have made progress in their lives have often had the same mind-set as President Hoover. We find the same principal in the Bible. It is through perseverance that we can preserve our hope (Rom 15:4) and it is perseverance that we require in order to do God’s will and to receive what He has promised. (Heb 10:36)

Jesus, forgive me for giving up when meeting the smallest obstacle. Help me to exercise my perseverance, in order that I can do Your will and receive that which You have promised me.

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