Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 25

” But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” (Luke 12:31 NIV)

These words were expressed by Jesus when He was teaching the disciples that they shouldn’t worry themselves. He told them both about what they should be thinking about and what they shouldn’t be thinking about to feel content. He told them to consider that no person can”add a single hour to his life” (verse 25). Nothing is earned by worrying oneself. He also said:  “Consider the lilies, and reminded them that they grow without labor or spin. Yet they are dressed in splendor” (verse 27). Then He continued and said: “do not set your thoughts on how you are going to find what you will eat or drink - do not worry about it, because God knows exactly what you need" (verses 29-30).
We can never hinder a thought coming to us but we can hinder the thought being locked in us. We decide for ourselves where our thoughts will fasten and it’s our thoughts that then determine how we feel, which feelings register in our inner being and outwardly how we will act.

I pray for the stillness alone in my inner being. I pray Jesus, that You will establish Your Kingdom in my being when I seek You and I thank You for Your promise to supply all my needs if I only seek You first of all.

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